Part 30: Prep: Will The Real Slim Swordsman Please Stand Up?
Update 19: Will The Real Slim Swordsman Please Stand Up? (Prep)Welcome back to Let's Play Fire Emblem 12, where even sudden infections from malicious programs can't break our stride.
Last time we dealt with Roro, or one of the Roros. There are apparently a lot more. Now back to the plot:

Oh, there you are Nabvarble. You've been teased long enough, will you actually appear in this chapter? Of course, this spoiler is just here to trick people who might not have played

Narrator: and stopped by the Fane of Raman in search of the missing orbs. However, the ancient temple built to worship Naga had been wrecked by constant warring, and was now nothing more than a den of thieves.
"They're escaping with the temple's valuable treasures. We must catch them!"
"Stay clear of the free company guarding Chiasmir Bridge. We cannot defeat them."
"It seems a dancer is lost inside the forest. We must find her before the bandits do!"
As the soldiers received their orders, the flames of a new battle around the Fane of Raman were ignited.
The narrator just rapidfire tossed gameplay hints at you there. This is a chapter mostly based around fighting thieves, with an unpleasant surprise by the bridge and a few new allies.
Although those guys in the picture look more like barbarians than thieves, but that's pretty

As we start the chapter, uh...

This time, we get to advise Jagen!

Jagen, master of brooding.

Only Marcus can do that, sorry.

This is another place where the dialogue varies depending on your MU. Since we picked "Wisdom" as Steve's main attribute back in the character creator:

There's a "Blind Seer" joke there somewhere. I really like these variable dialogue sections, they add some fun character. Sadly, if you pick Beauty, Jagen does not hit on you. Sorry.

Not too many enemies this time around, but reinforcements are in the cards.

We start in the mid-south segment of the map.

Many of these thieves have items on them. We'll want to get them, especially this one. I can't stress this enough, if you don't get Scorpio, RESTART THE CHAPTER.

Also of special interest is this Master Seal...

And this Angelic Robe, which is a Stat Booster item for HP. Great for squishy characters.

The boss, Dahl, isn't nearly as imposing as Lang was, but he does have something we've been wanting for a while...
Oh, and hunters. Which is going to be a pain, given how good flying units are in chapters filled with terrain hazards like forests.

In the top left corner is Astram, Hero Of Archanea from the last game. If him wielding a legendary weapon and being strong enough to cleave almost any of our character in two with one hit right now didn't tip you off, I'll put it bluntly.
Stay away from Astram. Just don't bother him, and he won't bother you. On this difficulty. That goes for his minions too.
Now back to our regularly scheduled "How's Everyone?"

Still probably none. Sorry. (I should have had him do an arena match and fulfilled his...wait, shit, Drill Grounds doesn't pay. Sorry Castor.)

Oh, poor Radd. I'll get to that in a bit. But first, Base Convos! And a lot of them today.

Are you really a woman?

How have you not met before? We only deploy like, 12 people at once!

All together now!

Steve, come on, this was recent! Ogma told you about this!

Steve's Murderous Hatred

Well that's kind of ridiculous.

Uh. That seems like an...overreaction, Steve.

Steve, I don't want to harsh your buzz, but you recruited THIS GUY

Wait, what?

Nah, kidding.

I know I should be focusing on the fact that Sirius just bopped Steve upside the head and ran away, but..."Kuh"? Steve makes weird sounds.
A childish sex joke, a farewell to Luke

Learn about getting really good levels, please.

Luke's friendship will allow us to make somebody punch harder for a map.
Hope You Still Like Jagen

Thanks for the recap, Jagen.
Heads Will Roll

I knew this line would be "Yes, sire?" before I even looked. I think Steve is rubbing off on me.

He's also a huge dick.

Honestly, he's pretty much what Steve was in that Sirius support, but to everyone at all times. Flashback time.

This is word for word a conversation from Shadow Dragon you can have with Astram after recruiting him. He's pretty hardcore.

Needless to say, we'll be listening to Marth, because Astram would wipe the floor with Steve right now.
Before closing this out, I want to go over the two last characters we got, Caesar and Radd.

Caesar is a weird case, I think because he wasn't in the original game and returned for the remakes. He's about the same as Ogma, if not slightly worse, and he comes about 4 chapters later at a similar level. There's really no reason to use him if Ogma's gotten any screentime and isn't dead. That said, he's not completely terrible. He's got a good speed growth.

Radd is basically just like Samto. His bases are a little worse, his growths a little better, but they're both about to be totally outshined by a unit we get completely for free in this very chapter.
Next time, Scarlet Swordsman. See you then.